Thursday 27 October 2011

sweet 17 !

Pada 25 oct. bersamaan hari selasa kelmarin is my birthday !
baru 17 jek tak tua lagi hikhik >.<
and fr FB wishes, phone wishes, family wishes, friends wishes
i give guys a very big thanks for that !
and also to abg adie (husband my auntie) for treat me a cake =)
to joe for the movie ticket and those who make me happy fr that day !
here my wish :
1. get a very good life with my loved person (family, friend)
2. good in my SPM
3. be a better person.
4. fr sure enjoy with my girlpren as this my last year as student smkbbu :[
5. get new boyf if im ready fr it, hihi 

 thats me sweet 17 O.o

love, saraa